Our Team

Our Team
When you want to tone, tighten, smooth or enhance your skin, then look no further than the experts at face etc..medispa! Our ‘A-Team’ of highly skilled nurses, aestheticians and therapists regularly attend national and international training events. What’s more, we’re always researching and evaluating new products to keep us up-to-date with the hottest beauty developments so that we can keep you looking your best.


Brigid McPeake | Senior Beauty Therapist

In my previous position as Senior Therapist for a prestigious company, I became increasingly interested in the field of advanced beauty and first joined the highly acclaimed team at face etc… in 2005. I knew I had found my niche and loved that I was finally able to offer people a range of treatments that really made a difference.

Several years later I moved to the North East and was forced to leave face etc… but after just 18 months I was back, having missed the clinic and my clients more than I could have ever predicted! I am thrilled to part of the clinic once again, where I carry out a superb selection of the most revolutionary services, ensuring my clients look and feel their very best!